OK, I'm taking my funds to the MS Society tomorrow
If you've been meaning to donate money for this cause, now is the time to do it, because tomorrow I'm taking my collection tin to the MS Society for them to count how much money is in the tin, and upgrade my fundraising amount.I've had a good time with this, and proud of myself,a nd thankful for the help I've received from others!
Many thanks to the MS Society SA & NT for getting me started with this project, with your Falls Prevention sessions, and in particular the lovely physio who introduced me to the idea of setting SMART Goals, which helped me to walk the distance I'd set for myself!
Walking Challenge Met, Now For The Fundraising Challenge!
On October 8th, I walked from my place, to the Bridge over the Light River, on Redbanks Road, which was my initial challenge I set for myself, as my SMART Goal.Date of 'Walk For Wellness'

It will begin with a walk, from my home, to a particular bridge, and back to my place. The distance is 5.2 km, and I would love to have people doing the walk with me - safety in numbers!
If the walk isn't possible for you, but you'd like to be involved, you can come along to the Mallala Hotel at 6,30, where I have a table booked, so come along, enjoy a great meal, and listen to me talking about my 'Walk For Wellness' event, why I did it, what is's all about, and what Multiple Sclerosis (MS) means to me, how it affects me, what I do about that, and anything else that I think of on the night!
MS has been an irritant in my life, but it has also lead me to a quite different life, and dare I say it, a bigger, and more important life ... The bad things in life can make or break a person, and I definitely feel my life has been mad bigger and better, in a variety of different ways.
I'm Back Onto the Training Again Today!

Things Are Really Moving!

My MS is going well these past few years, because of the medication I use, and also the healthy and nutritionally sound food I eat, I expect, like the baked banana slices in the photo!
Lenny has legs, and he walks with me!

and then once we're home again there's some serious thinking done, in the prone position, so more blood gets to his brain. or some such thing!
I am Fundraising for MS!
I was inspired to do this fundraiser by the physios at the MS Society SA & NT Falls Prevention, to do something, set a SMART Goal, and do something bigger than my everyday ordinary things.
A SMART Goal is Specific, Measurable, Attainable, Relevant, and Time-bound. So on my way home from the Falls Prevention event when the physio mentioned these goals, I set my own SMART Goal.
I decided I would get in training so I could walk from my place, to a particular bridge, and home again. So I get stuck into the walking, doing a walk almost every day, and increasing my distance walked, so when 8 October comes, I'll be able to get there and back, and not collapse at the end!
It's only 5.2 km, but that's further than I've walked for a very long time! I'm walking a bit further, and further most times, and I'm feeling confident I'll get there. And then, on the day, after I do that walk, I'll have a meal organised, and will be asking for donations for the MS Society.
I'm feeling so fit and well lately, this walking is doing great things for my body and my inner health too! Being outside with Nature and getting fitter and more toned, I love it!
In the meantime, I have a donation tin, and will be accepting donations between now and the event, and in the time after, before I return the tin to the MS Society! If you want to walk too, why not join me on my page!
The dog in the photo is Lenny, my sometimes walking companion, and laze-about-the-home Greyhound.
Mallala/Redbanks/Two Wells
Thank you to my Sponsors


Kay Boon
Walk on!

Robert Fairhead
Good luck with your walk and fundraising, Carolyn. And your writing, of course!

Rod & Shelley
Walk well, Carolyn!

Tracey Cranwell
Congratulations Carolyn.

Carolyn Cordon

Sheila Lennon
Great job Carolyn Good luck with the fundraising. Am running my FP classes again October but at Mount Barker.kind Regards Sheila

All the best for your walk.

Joanne Emery
Good luck with the walk!